Service League Presidents
Year(s) President

Dianne Luhmann (president, 2016-17) and hostess Raiselle Resnick, 2016 Treasure Tea

Janice Spofford (president, 2011-12) and Marilyn Helmholz (president, 2013-14), Luncheon at Marilyn's house.

Christiane Ronneberg (president, 2006-07), Doris Nitecki (president, 2007-08) and Clairan Ferrono (president, 2008-09, 2018-19)

Joan Staples, Marianne Smigelskis (president, 2003-04), Judy Lewis, Ursula Selby, Jan O'Malley and Charlotte Adler at the 2012 Service League Luncheon

Catherine Duenas (president, 1995-96) sells treasures during the 2008 Homecoming Benefit

Mimi Asbury (president 2000-01) at the 2017 Homecoming Benefit
2023 - 2024 Barbara Wagner
Margaretha Talerman
2022 - 2023 Barbara Wagner
Ruth Koval
2021 - 2022 Barbara Wagner
Sarah Wright
2020 - 2021 Roberta Bernstein
Lesley Bloch
2019 - 2020 Lesley Bloch
Marilyn Helmholz
2018 - 2019 Clairan Ferrono
2017 - 2018 Ms. Nancy Baum
2016 - 2017 Ms. Dianne Luhmann
2015 - 2016 Ms. Caroline Harney
2014 - 2015 Ms. Deborah Franczek
2013 - 2014 Ms. Marilyn Helmholz
2012 - 2013 Ms. Dorothy Patton
2011 - 2012 Ms. Janice Spofford
2010 - 2011 Ms. Charlotte Johnston
2009 - 2010 Ms. Marie Schilling
2008 - 2009 Ms. Clairan Ferrono
2007 - 2008 Ms. Doris Nitecki
2006 - 2007 Ms. Christiane Ronneberg
2005 - 2006 Ms. Bonnie Umeh
2004 - 2005 Ms. Elizabeth Sklarsky
2003 - 2004 Ms. Marianne Smigelskis
2002 - 2003 Ms. Carol Strauss
2001 - 2002 Ms. Colleen O'Leary
2000 - 2001 Ms. Mimi Asbury
1999 - 2000 Ms. Sara Anastaplo
1998 - 1999 Ms. Virginia Lee Stigler
1997 - 1998 Ms. Georgie Maynard
1996 - 1997 Ms. Margaret Matchett
1995 - 1996 Ms. Catherine Duenas
1994 - 1995 Mrs. Riccardo Levi-Setti
1993 - 1994 Mrs. Thomas H. Jobe
1992 - 1993 Mrs. Houston H. Stokes
1991 - 1992 Mrs. Lawrence A. Pottenger
1990 - 1991 Mrs. David L. Crabb
1989 - 1990 Mrs. John A. McDermott
1988 - 1989 Mrs. Richard J. Thain
1987 - 1988 Mrs. Donald W. Benson
1986 - 1987 Mrs. Leslie J. DeGroot
1985 - 1986 Mrs. David B. Skinner
1984 - 1985 Mrs. Nathan Schlessinger
1983 - 1984 Mrs. Robert F. Picken
1982 - 1983 Mrs. Spencer L. Kimball
1981 - 1982 Mrs. George S. Tolley
1980 - 1981 Mrs. King C. Stutzman
1979 - 1980 Mrs. Richard E. Vikstrom
1978 - 1979 Mrs. Walter D. Fackler
1977 - 1978 Mrs. John F. Mullan
1976 - 1977 Mrs. Jerald C. Brauer
1975 - 1976 Mrs. Herbert L. Anderson
1974 - 1975 Mrs. Mark G. Inghram
1973 - 1974 Mrs. Theodore N. Pullman
1972 - 1973 Mrs. Robert G. Schloerb
1971 - 1972 Mrs. Clyde A. Hutchison, Jr.
1970 - 1971 Mrs. Bennett I. Berman
1969 - 1970 Mrs. Ben S. Meeker
1968 - 1969 Mrs. Ralph Naunton
1967 - 1968 Mrs. J. Bryan Allin
1966 - 1967 Mrs. John H. Rust
1965 - 1966 Mrs. Warner A. Wick
1964 - 1965 Mrs. Edward A. Kracke, Jr.
1963 - 1964 Mrs. Albert A. Dahlberg
1962 - 1963 Mrs. Robert E. Tinker
1961 - 1962 Mrs. John P. Netherton
1960 - 1961 Mrs. Edmond Jacobson
1959 - 1960 Mrs. Devereux L. Bowly
1958 - 1959 Mrs. Jack G. Lawson
1957 - 1958 Mrs. Barnett Blakemore
1956 - 1957 Mrs. Harolld E. Gates
1955 - 1956 Mrs. Henry T. Ricketts
1954 - 1955 Mrs. Howard Goodman
1953 - 1954 Mrs. Frederick S. Breed
1951 - 1953 Mrs. Marcus A. Hirschl
1949 - 1951 Mrs. Carl R. Moore
1947 - 1949 Mrs. Scott Goldthwaite
1945 - 1947 Mrs. Fred C. Koch
1943 - 1945 Mrs. Richard Watkins
1941 - 1943 Mrs. Thorfin R. Hogness
1939 - 1941 Mrs. Charles C. Colby
1937 - 1939 Mrs. Frederick S. Breed
1935 - 1937 Mrs. Harvey B. Lemon
1933 - 1935 Mrs. Rollin T. Chamberlin
1931 - 1933 Mrs. George O. Fairweather
1929 - 1931 Mrs. Rollo L. Lyman
1927 - 1929 Mrs. J. Westfall Thompson
1924 - 1927 Mrs. Edgar J. Goodspeed
1922 - 1924 Mrs. J. Gordon Wilson
1919 - 1922 Mrs. Austin Bryant Reeve
1917 - 1919 Mrs. George C. Howland
1916 - 1917 Mrs. Edwin Oakes Jordan
1914 - 1916 Miss Elizabeth Wallace
1912 - 1914 Mrs. Benjamin S. Terry
1911 - 1912 Mrs. Andrew C. McLaughlin
1910 - 1911 Mrs. John Paul Goode
1908 - 1910 Mrs. William D. MacClintock
1907 - 1908 Mrs. Franklin Johnson
1905 - 1907 Mrs. Frank Justus Miller
1902 - 1905 Mrs. Charles R. Henderson
1900 - 1902 Mrs. Horace Spencer Fiske
1899 - 2000 Mrs. Edwin Oakes Jordan
1897 -1899 Mrs. Charles Zueblin
1896 - 1897 Mrs. George Edgar Vincent
1895 - 1896 Mrs. Harry Pratt Judson

Doris Nitecki (president, 2007 - 08), Josephine Blakemore (president, 1957-58) and Jane Berlin

Judy Wright and Carolyn Harney (president, 2015-16) present during the 2015 Homecoming Benefit

2012 Luncheon hostess Debby Franczek (president, 2014-15), Dorothy Patton (president 2012-13), Marie Schilling (president 2009-10), Barbara Wagner and Diana Stokes.

Charlotte Johnston (president, 2010-11)

Bonnie Umeh (president, 2005-06) and Jane Thain (president, 1988-89) at the 2005 Homecoming

Clairan Ferrono (president, 2008-09, 2018-19) and Colleen O'Leary (president, 2001-02) at the 2007 Homecoming Benefit

Carol Strauss (president, 2002-03) and daughter Leslie Travis at 2007 Homecoming Benefit

Service League President Nancy Baum presents during the 2017 Homecoming Benefit